- line
- I
1. noun
he drew a line through the name
Syn:dash, rule, bar, score; underline, underscore, stroke, slash; technical stria, striation2)there were lines around her eyes
Syn:wrinkle, furrow, crease, groove, crinkle, crow's foot, laugh line3) (usu. lines)the classic lines of the exterior
Syn:contour, outline, configuration, shape, figure, delineation, profile4)the line between Canada and the United States
Syn:boundary, boundary line, limit, border, borderline, demarcation line, dividing line, edge, margin, perimeter, frontier5) (usu. lines)behind enemy lines
Syn:position, formation, defense, fieldwork, front (line); trenches6)he put the wash on the line
Syn:clothesline; cord rope, string, cable, wire, thread, twine, strand7)they waited in a line
Syn:row, file, lineup, queue8)a line of figures
Syn:column, row9)a long line of bad decisions
Syn:series, sequence, succession, chain, string, set, cycle10)a line of flight
Syn:course, route, track, path, way, run11)they took a very tough line with the industry
the party line
Syn:course of action, course, procedure, technique, tactic, tack; policy, practice, approach, plan, program, position, stance, philosophy12)her own line of thought
Syn:course, direction, drift, tack, tendency, trend13) informalhe fed me a line
Syn:story, piece of fiction, fabrication; informal spiel14) (lines)he couldn't remember his lines
Syn:words, part, script, speech15)my line is engineering
Syn:line of work, work, line of business, business, field, trade, occupation, employment, profession, job, career, specialty, forte, province, department, sphere, area, area of expertise16)a new line of cologne
Syn:brand, kind, sort, type, variety, make17)a noble line
Syn:ancestry, family, parentage, birth, descent, lineage, extraction, genealogy, roots, origin, background; stock, bloodline, pedigree18)the opening line of the poem
Syn:sentence, phrase, clause, utterance; passage, extract, quotation, quote, citation19)I should drop Ralph a line
Syn:note, letter, card, postcard, e-mail, message, communication, missive, memorandum; correspondence, word; informal memo; formal epistle2. verb1)her face was lined with age
Syn:furrow, wrinkle, crease, pucker, mark with lines2)the driveway was lined by poplars
Syn:border, edge, fringe, bound, rim•- in line- line upII verbthey lined the handbags with a quilted rayon
Syn:put a lining in, interline, face, back, pad
Thesaurus of popular words. 2014.